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Create a Subscription

Make sure you have your Merchant Configured on Portal with:
Payment Processor configured and an API Key in the header
Also make sure to have a ‘Recurring Strategy’ set on the portal with time and processor

Make 1 API call to set the recurring payment, user and payment method
Use API: {{Api Root}}/api/Subscriptions

For the {{Api Root}} variable:





This is a POST request with a sample payload below. This call is also in the API docs. Additional calls around payments can also be found in the docs. Note this will create a customerId, or you can make the customer first and supply the customerId

    "PaymentMethods": [
            "Priority": 0,
            "TaxAmount": null,
            "OriginalNetworkTransactionId": null,
            "BillingAddress": {
                "AddressId": null,
                "AddressLine1": "100 Main Street",
                "AddressLine2": "",
                "City": "Irvine",
                "State": "CA",
                "PostalCode": "92602",
                "PhoneNumber": null,
                "Email": null,
                "Country": "US"
            "BillingFirstName": "John",
            "BillingLastName": "Doe",
            "CreditCard": {
                "PaymentAccountNumber": "4111111111111111",
                "ExpirationDate": "1025",
                "SecurityCode": null
            "MerchantPaymentMethodRefId": "payment-method-ref-id_hgays-213-44d"
    "ExistingPaymentMethod": null,
    "MerchantSubscriptionRefId": "1234-5678-9101",
    "BillingFrequencyType": "daily", //Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, Yearly
    "SubscriptionStatusType": "current", //Current, Recycle, Cancelled, PendingCancellation
    "SubscriptionCancelType": "immediate", //Immediate, EndOfCycle
    "StartDate": "2024-04-26T00:00:00",
    "TrialDuration": 0,
    "TrialDurationType": "daily", //Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, Yearly
    "Customer": {
        "FirstName": "John",
        "LastName": "Doe"
    "SubscriptionBillingPlans": [
            "Name": "Billing Plan 1",
            "Value": 10.99,
            "CycleCount": -1,
            "ValueType": "Standard", //Standard, Discount, DiscountPercentage, FinalDiscount, PriceOverride
            "StartCycleDelay": 0
    "RecycleImmediatePayment": false


    "subscriptionId": 1899,
    "customerId": 5409,
    "merchantSubscriptionRefId": "1234-5678-9101",
    "networkTransactionId": "111789899749482",
    "billingFrequencyType": "Daily",
    "subscriptionStatusType": "Current",
    "subscriptionCancelType": "Immediate",
    "initialBillDate": "4/26/2024",
    "nextBillDate": "5/3/2024",
    "taxAddress": null,
    "paymentMethodIds": [
    "cancelledAt": null,
    "billingPlans": [
            "subscriptionBillingPlanId": 2300,
            "subscriptionId": 1899,
            "name": "Billing Plan 1",
            "value": 10.99,
            "startDate": "4/26/2024",
            "cyclesRemaining": -1,
            "cycleCount": -1,
            "valueType": "Standard"

It’s possible, but optional to create a customerId first. You can use the same API call as above with empty place holders to get a customerId
{{Api Root}}/api/Customers

    "FirstName": "Jonh",
    "LastName": "White",
    "MerchantCustomerRefId": "YourCustomerID-123"


    "customerId": 5405,
    "merchantCustomerRefId": "YourCustomerID-123",
    "firstName": "Jonh",
    "lastName": "White",
    "billingAddresses": [],
    "shippingAddresses": [],
    "taxAddresses": [],
    "subscriptions": []