Create a Subscription

Revolv3 enables merchants to create subscriptions for recurring billing, allowing customers to be charged automatically at specified intervals. This guide explains how to:

  1. Set up a subscription with customer and payment details.

  2. Define billing frequency and payment plans.

  3. Retrieve a subscription response.

  4. Optionally create a customerId before initiating a subscription.

  5. Creating a Subscription

API Endpoint for Subscription Creation

POST {{Api Root}}/api/Subscriptions

Sample API Request

  "PaymentMethods": [
      "Priority": 0,
      "TaxAmount": null,
      "OriginalNetworkTransactionId": null,
      "BillingAddress": {
        "AddressId": null,
        "AddressLine1": "100 Main Street",
        "AddressLine2": "",
        "City": "Irvine",
        "State": "CA",
        "PostalCode": "92602",
        "PhoneNumber": null,
        "Email": null,
        "Country": "US"
      "BillingFirstName": "John",
      "BillingLastName": "Doe",
      "CreditCard": {
        "PaymentAccountNumber": "4111111111111111",
        "ExpirationDate": "1025",
        "SecurityCode": null
      "MerchantPaymentMethodRefId": "payment-method-ref-id_hgays-2"
  "ExistingPaymentMethod": null,
  "MerchantSubscriptionRefId": "1234-5678-9101",
  "BillingFrequencyType": "daily",
  "SubscriptionStatusType": "current",
  "SubscriptionCancelType": "immediate",
  "StartDate": "2024-04-26T00:00:00",
  "TrialDuration": 0,
  "SubscriptionBillingPlans": [
      "Name": "Billing Plan 1",
      "Value": 10.99,
      "CycleCount": -1,
      "ValueType": "Standard",
      "StartCycleDelay": 0
  "RecycleImmediatePayment": false
  1. Explanation of API Request Fields
PaymentMethodsArray containing the payment method details.
PriorityDetermines the priority of the payment method (0 = primary).
BillingAddressContains the full billing details.
BillingFirstName, BillingLastNameName associated with the payment method.
CreditCard.PaymentAccountNumberThe card number used for billing.
CreditCard.ExpirationDateThe card’s expiration date (MMYY).
MerchantPaymentMethodRefIdA merchant-assigned reference for tracking payment methods.
MerchantSubscriptionRefIdA unique identifier for the subscription assigned by the merchant.
BillingFrequencyTypeDetermines how often the subscription is billed (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
SubscriptionStatusTypeThe current state of the subscription (current, canceled, recycle).
SubscriptionCancelTypeDefines how the subscription should be canceled (immediate, endOfCycle).
StartDateThe date when the subscription begins.
TrialDurationThe number of trial days before billing starts.
SubscriptionBillingPlansContains details of the billing plan.
RecycleImmediatePaymentDetermines whether an immediate charge is processed upon subscription renewal.
  1. Subscription Creation Response

Upon successfully creating a subscription, Revolv3 returns a subscription ID and associated customer details.

Sample API Response

  "subscriptionId": 1899,
  "customerId": 5409,
  "merchantSubscriptionRefId": "1234-5678-9101",
  "networkTransactionId": "111789899749482",
  "billingFrequencyType": "daily",
  "subscriptionStatusType": "current",
  "subscriptionCancelType": "immediate",
  "initialBillDate": "4/26/2024",
  "nextBillDate": "5/3/2024",
  "taxAddress": null,
  "paymentMethodIds": [6064],
  "canceledAt": null,
  "billingPlans": [
      "subscriptionBillingPlanId": 2300,
      "subscriptionId": 1899,
      "name": "Billing Plan 1",
      "value": 10.99,
      "startDate": "4/26/2024",
      "cyclesRemaining": -1,
      "cycleCount": -1,
      "valueType": "Standard"

Explanation of API Response Fields

subscriptionIdThe unique identifier for the created subscription.
customerIdThe associated customer ID for the subscription.
merchantSubscriptionRefIdThe merchant’s reference for tracking the subscription.
networkTransactionIdThe transaction ID assigned for the first payment.
billingFrequencyTypeThe billing interval (e.g., daily, weekly).
subscriptionStatusTypeCurrent state of the subscription (current, canceled, recycle).
subscriptionCancelTypeDefines how cancellations are handled (immediate, endOfCycle).
initialBillDateThe first billing date for the subscription.
nextBillDateThe next scheduled billing date.
paymentMethodIdsIDs of the payment methods associated with this subscription.
billingPlansDetails of the assigned billing plan.
cyclesRemainingNumber of billing cycles left (-1 = unlimited).
  1. Creating a Customer ID (Optional)

A customerId can be created separately before initiating a subscription. This step is optional but allows merchants to manage customers independently of subscriptions.

API Endpoint for Creating a Customer

POST {{Api Root}}/api/Customers

Sample API Request

  "FirstName": "John",
  "LastName": "White",
  "MerchantCustomerRefId": "YourCustomerID-123"

Sample API Response

  "customerId": 5405,
  "merchantCustomerRefId": "YourCustomerID-123",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "White",
  "billingAddresses": [],
  "shippingAddresses": [],
  "taxAddresses": [],
  "subscriptions": []

Once the customerId is created, use it in the subscription request instead of providing FirstName and LastName.

Using customerId in Subscription Requests

"Customer": {
  "Id": 5405
  1. Summary of Subscription API Calls
ActionAPI EndpointPurpose
Create a SubscriptionPOST /api/SubscriptionsInitiates a recurring billing cycle.
Retrieve Subscription DetailsGET /api/Subscriptions/{subscriptionId}Fetches details of an active subscription.
Create a Customer (Optional)POST /api/CustomersGenerates a customerId for managing user profiles.