Authorization, Captures and Reversals

Authorization, Captures, and Reversals

Authorization, Captures, and Reversals in Revolv3 API

Revolv3’s API allows merchants to authorize payments, capture funds, and reverse authorizations, providing a flexible and secure payment management system. This guide explains how to:

  1. Authorize a payment (reserve funds without charging the customer immediately).

  2. Capture a payment (finalize and charge a previously authorized payment).

  3. Reverse an authorization (cancel a payment hold).

Each section includes API endpoints, request examples, and field explanations.

  1. Payment Authorization

A payment authorization checks if sufficient funds are available on the customer’s card and places a hold on the amount. The funds are not charged until they are captured.

API Endpoint for Payment Authorization

{Api Root}/api/Payments/authorization

Sample API Request (Authorizing a Payment)

  "PaymentMethod": {
    "BillingAddress": {
      "AddressLine1": "100 Main",
      "AddressLine2": null,
      "City": "Santa Ana",
      "State": "CA",
      "PostalCode": "91111",
      "Country": "US"
    "BillingFirstName": "Joe",
    "BillingLastName": "Doe",
    "CreditCard": {
      "PaymentAccountNumber": "4111111111111111",
      "ExpirationDate": "1025"
  "NetworkProcessing": {
    "ProcessingType": "initialInstallment",
    "OriginalNetworkTransactionId": null
  "Amount": {
    "Value": 30.99

Explanation of API Request Fields

PaymentMethodContains the payment details used for authorization.
BillingAddressThe cardholder’s billing address.
BillingFirstName, BillingLastNameThe name on the payment method.
CreditCard.PaymentAccountNumberThe card number used for authorization.
CreditCard.ExpirationDateThe expiration date of the card (Format: MMYY).
NetworkProcessing.ProcessingTypeSpecifies the type of transaction (e.g., initialInstallment).
NetworkProcessing.OriginalNetworkTransactionIdUsed for linked transactions (set to null for new authorizations).
Amount.ValueThe amount to be authorized (e.g., $30.99).

Alternative Authorization Using a Stored Payment Method

Instead of passing full payment details, merchants can authorize a payment using an existing PaymentMethodId.

API Endpoint

{Api Root}/api/Payments/authorization/{paymentMethodId}

Request Payload Example

  "NetworkProcessing": {
    "processingType": "initialInstallment",
    "originalNetworkTransactionId": null
  "Amount": {
    "value": 1.03
  1. Authorization Response

When an authorization is successful, the API returns a PaymentMethodAuthorizationId, which is required for capturing or reversing the payment.

Sample API Response

  "networkTransactionId": "431241081661798",
  "paymentMethodAuthorizationId": 2055,
  "paymentMethod": {
    "paymentMethodId": 6061,
    "billingAddressId": 7056,
    "billingAddress": {
      "addressId": 7056,
      "addressLine1": "381 Forest Ave. Suite C",
      "addressLine2": null,
      "city": "Laguna Beach",
      "state": "CA",
      "postalCode": "92651",
      "phoneNumber": null,
      "email": null,
      "country": "US"
    "billingFirstName": "Joe",
    "billingLastName": "Smith",
    "merchantPaymentMethodRefId": null,
    "paymentMethodCreditCardDetails": {
      "paymentLast4Digit": "1111",
      "paymentExpirationDate": "0330"

Explanation of API Response Fields

networkTransactionIdThe unique ID assigned by the payment network for tracking.
paymentMethodAuthorizationIdThe unique authorization ID, required for capture or reversal.
paymentMethod.paymentMethodIdThe internal ID of the stored payment method.
billingAddressThe billing address associated with the payment method.
paymentMethodCreditCardDetails.paymentLast4DigitThe last four digits of the authorized card.
paymentMethodCreditCardDetails.paymentExpirationDateThe expiration date of the card.
  1. Capturing an Authorized Payment

A capture request charges the customer’s account for a previously authorized amount.

API Endpoint for Capturing Funds

{Api Root}/api/Payments/capture/{paymentMethodAuthorizationId}

Sample Capture Request

  "CustomerId": null,
  "Invoice": {
    "MerchantInvoiceRefId": "ABC309500654810",
    "Amount": {
      "value": 1.03

Explanation of API Request Fields

CustomerIdOptional; assigns the payment to a customer profile.
Invoice.MerchantInvoiceRefIdA unique identifier for tracking the invoice.
Invoice.Amount.ValueThe final amount to be captured.

Key Notes:

✔ The PaymentMethodAuthorizationId must be provided to capture the funds.

✔ A capture request must be made before the authorization expires (typically within 7 days).

  1. Reversing an Authorization

If an authorized payment is no longer needed, it can be reversed to release the hold on funds.

API Endpoint for Authorization Reversal

{Api Root}/api/PaymentMethod/reverse-auth

Sample Reversal Request

  "PaymentMethodAuthorizationId": 1234

Explanation of API Request Fields

PaymentMethodAuthorizationIdThe authorization ID of the payment to be reversed.

Key Notes:

✔ A reversal cancels the authorization, ensuring that the funds are no longer held.

✔ Once reversed, the authorization cannot be captured, and a new authorization is required to reattempt the payment.