Revolv3 API Authentication Header Token

Revolv3 API Authentication:

Using the Header Token for Secure API Access To successfully interact with Revolv3’s API endpoints, you must include a specific authentication token in the request headers. This authentication mechanism ensures secure accessand prevents unauthorized usage of our API.

Required Authentication Header: x-revolv3-token

Each API request must contain a unique header key called x-revolv3-token, which serves as yourauthentication credential. This token acts as a static key that validates your API requests,granting you the necessary permissions to interact with Revolv3’s services.

Your x-revolv3-token is issued through one of the following methods:

  1. Revolv3 Support – If you require assistance in obtaining your authentication token, oursupport team can provide it upon request.
  2. Revolv3 Portal – You can retrieve your API token directly from the Revolv3 developerportal.

When making a request, ensure that the x-revolv3-token header is included in your HTTP request, as shown in the example below:

Example API Request with Authentication Header

HTTP Request Method: POST

Example Endpoint: {{Api Root}}/api/Customers
In your request, the headers should be structured as follows:

Header KeyValue
x-revolv3-tokenYour unique static authentication token
Content-Length<calculated when request is sent>
Host<calculated when request is sent>

Postman Example using the header is below:

Note: A Legacy Bearer token is still supported and which creates an expiring token after 1 hour. To use this {{Api Root}}/api/Authentication/Token must be called to obtain a temporary token