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Invoice Status

After sending an auto charge invoice you should get a status back.
Depending on the type of payment, the response might differ.

The most common status to get back instantly:
ACH Payment Type: Failed, *Paid
Credit Card Payment Type: Noncollectable, Paid

After 1-5 days the ACH will stay as Paid or will be updated to Noncollectable

Here is a quick list of InvoiceStatus we send back in response

StatusDescriptionAvailable ActionsNext StepsPayment Types
PaidInvoice is successfully paid

Applicable to invoices created for one time, recurring payments, and installments
VoidThis status is only used upon validation whether an invoice is billable. No other automatic assignments within the system

Merchant can assign this status to an invoice manually if an invoice was billed outside the Revolv3 but the merchant knows that this invoice was handled. So actually the Revolv didn’t collect the money, but the invoice was billed
PendingInitial status of an invoice if one time payment with subscription/recurring payment is being processed

Invoice status for billable subscriptions when recurrent payments are dispatched

Invoice status for one time payment without payment if “Pending“ response is received from a processor

Invoice in this status is considered as billable

Applicable to invoices created for one time, recurring payments, and installments
Update InvoiceFailed

Batch Pending

Capture Pending



RecycleBillable invoice processing is failed

Invoice in this status is considered as billable

Applicable to invoices created for recurring payments and installments
Update InvoiceNoncollectable

NoncollectableApplied in one of the following cases:

If invoice billing date is defined in the past - more than 30 days from the current day

If invoice exists more than defined in Invoice Expiration Window (Merchant’s settings). For example, 5 days are set up in Invoice Expiration Window, the Noncollectable status will be applied to an invoice on the 6th day (if the function to process the payment will not run first).

If all recycle attempts have been used (the number of attempts is configured on a merchant level)

Upon hard decline/soft decline received from a payment gateway (e.g. bad status code from visa)

Applicable to invoices created for one time, recurring payments, and installment
RefundThe status is applied to successfully refunded invoices if the following condition is true:

previous refund total + current refund total=total

Applicable to refund invoices created for one time and recurring payments
MerchantPaidThis status is only used upon validation whether an invoice is billable. No other usages within the system

Merchant can assign this status to an invoice manually if an invoice was billed outside the Revolv3 but the merchant knows that this invoice was handled. So actually the Revolv didn’t collect the money, but the invoice was billed
MerchantCancelledThis status is only used upon validation whether an invoice is billable. No other usages within the system

Merchant can assign this status to an invoice manually if an invoice was billed outside the Revolv3 but the merchant knows that this invoice was handled. So actually the Revolv didn’t collect the money, but the invoice was billed
OneTimePaymentPendingThis status is assigned to invoices as initial when an attempt to bill one time payment without subscription was done but the response wasn’t received immediately (rare use-case)

The status is not stored and never shown in UI

Applicable to invoices created for one time payment without subscription only




Capture Pending

Refund Pending
PartialRefundThe status is applied to successfully refunded invoice if the following condition is not true: previous refund total + current refund total=total

Applicable to refund invoices created for one time and recurring payments
Refund with APIRefund
BatchPendingThis status is applied to all invoices from the WorldPay Queue upon their submitting. A special SubmitWorldPayBatches function is running every hour to collect such invoices

Invoice in this status is waiting for a call back from the payment gateway (WorldPay), Revolv3 doesn’t make any attempts to bill an invoice in this status unless a response is received

Applicable to invoices created for recurring payments and installments


CapturePendingWhen a pending invoice for one time payment with subscription is processed, 'Billed via Capture' flag might appear. In this case the system validates whether the transaction was fully processed. If yes, the Paid status is applied to the invoice. If no - Capture Pending

Invoice obtains this status upon 'CAPTURE' webhook from Adyen

Invoice in this status is waiting for a call back from the payment gateway (Adyen), Revolv3 doesn’t make any attempts to bill an invoice in this status unless a response is received.

Applicable to invoices created for one time, recurring payments, and installments
Refund Pending





RefundPendingInvoice obtains this status upon 'REFUND' webhook from Adyen

Invoice in this status is waiting for a call back from the payment gateway (Adyen), Revolv3 doesn’t make any attempts to bill an invoice in this status unless a response is received.

Applicable to refund invoices created for one time and recurring payments
Refund Declined
RefundDeclinedThe status is applied to rejected refund invoices

Applicable to invoices created for one time and recurring payments
RefundFailedThe status is applied to refund invoices upon failed attempt of payment creation in a processor (e.g. connectivity issue or incorrect processor details)

Applicable to invoices created for one time and recurring payments
FailedBridgePay only

Invoice obtains this status upon failed attempt of payment creation in a processor (e.g. connectivity issue - we made an attempt to bill through BridgePay, but for some reason we couldn't connect to the processor, it is not even count as a billing attempt for this invoice)

Billing attempt status is defined as 'Connectivity issue'

Applicable to invoices created for one time payment