Invoice Line Items / Subscription Plans
Variables for Invoice Line items and Subscriptions plans
API calls that include Invoice Line items and Subscription Plans require certain fields which are described below
Name - What will show up on the invoice
Description - Description of line item
Value - Amount in USD
ValueType (Required) - Standard, Discount, DiscountPercentage, FinalDiscount, PriceOverride
CycleCount - How many times to bill (-1 = no end date)
StartCycleDelay - Delay in units of time
CycleCount and StartCycleDelay unit of time is set by another variable "BillingFrequencyType": "Quarterly" (Can be Monthly, Yearly or Daily as well)
"InvoiceLineItems": [
"InvoiceLineItemId": 0,
"Name": "One Time Charge",
"Description": "Value for 600.00 dollars",
"Value": 600.00,
"ValueType": "Standard"
"BillingFrequencyType": "Quarterly",
"SubscriptionBillingPlans": [
"Name": "Billing Plan 1",
"Value": 10.99,
"CycleCount": -1,
"ValueType": "Standard",
"StartCycleDelay": 0
"Name": "Billing Plan 2",
"Value": 14.99,
"CycleCount": 12,
"ValueType": "Standard",
"StartCycleDelay": 1
Updated 8 days ago