Production Environment Limitations

Production Limitations: API Throttling and Rate Limits for One-Time Payments

To ensure optimal system performance, maintain platform stability, and prevent abuse, API request throttling is enforced for one-time payment transactions. These limitations help balance the load on our infrastructure while ensuring fair access for all users.

Throttling Mechanism and Rate Limits:

  • Requests are throttled based on IP address, meaning that each individual IP making API calls must adhere to the defined rate limits.
  • The current safe threshold for API requests is:
  • 20 API calls per second per IP address.
  • 20,000 API calls within a rolling 15-minute window.

If your API usage exceeds these thresholds, the system will automatically enforce rate-limiting measures.

What Happens If You Exceed the Limit?
If an API client surpasses the allowed request rate, the server will respond with a 429 HTTP status code (Too Many Requests). This response indicates that your application has made too many requests within a short timeframe and must temporarily reduce its request frequency.