Get Invoices API
To get a list of invoices use {{Api Root}}/api/Invoices. This will return an array of invoices based on filters and pages.
"invoiceId": 388815,
"customerId": null,
"merchantInvoiceRefId": "1234-5678-9101",
"binNumber": "444433",
"last4Digit": "1111",
"invoiceStatus": "Paid",
"subtotal": 150.0000,
"tax": 0.0000,
"total": 150.0000,
"billingDate": "12-15-2024",
"merchantLegalName": "Test Merchant",
"merchantCustomerRefId": null,
"customerFirstName": null,
"customerLastName": null
.... Additional array values
StartDate and EndDate filter values are based on BillingDate in UTC. The result is sorted by invoice billing date in descending order and secondary invoiceId ascending order. Example order:
- 12-13-2024 12347
- 12-11-2024 12345
- 12-11-2024 12346
Pages are limited to 100 items per page.
An example call with filters would be
{{Api Root}}/api/Invoices?startDate=01-05-2024&endDate=12-12-2024&page=2&pageSize=10
To get more information about the invoices including invoiceAttempts[] check the documentation for Get Details of Invoice Attempts
Updated 7 days ago