Create an installment for a customer (specified by Customer ID) with a Billing Frequency Type (Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, Yearly), Installment type (Interval, Amount), Installment value and Installment items. Payment method information (with billing address, billing first name, billing last name, payment method type (credit card, ach, google pay)) or an authorized payment method identifier or payment method identifier must be provided.

Optionally, a MerchantInstallmentRefId, TaxAddress, StartDate, TrailDuration and TrailDurationType (the same values as in Billing Frequency Type), DownPayment may be included.

Upon successful creation of the installment, a status code of 201 (Created) will be returned.

If the Customer ID provided does not exist, a status code of 404 (NotFound) will be returned.

If an installment cannot be created with the provided data, a status code of 400 (Bad Request) will be returned.

Required Fields
BillingFrequencyTypeHow often the subscription should be attempted for billing
InstallmentItemsThe installment's individual billing items
InstallmentTypeHow the installment period will be divided by amount or number of intervals
InstallmentValueThe number of cycles if installment type is Interval or payment amount per settlement cycle if installment type is Amount
Optional Fields
NameDescriptionDefault value
MerchantInstallmentRefIdMerchant's unique identifier for the installmentnull
StartDateSubscription's start dateToday
TrialDurationThe amount of trial duration time in the unit of TrialDurationType0
TrialDurationTypeThe type of trial durationDaily
TaxAddressAddress to be used for taxation purposes. Possible sets of Address details: AddressLine1, City and State or AddressLine1 and PostalCode or State and PostalCodenull
DownPaymentThe payment a customer pays upfront0
PaymentMethodAuthorizationIdUnique identifier for a previously pre-authorized payment methodnull
PaymentMethodThe payment method informationnull
PaymentMethodIdUnique identifier for the customer's payment informationnull
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