Сapture the previous authorization. A capture can be performed on the amount equal to or less than the amount of the referenced authorization.
The required argument for this endpoint are authorized payment method ID and invoice.
Description of request parameters
- customerId
Unique identifier for the customer.
No validation rules- invoice
No validation rules- merchantInvoiceRefId
Merchant's unique identifier for the invoice.
No validation rules- amount
The amount information for the payment.
No validation rules- currency
Optional. Default - USD
The three-character ISO currency code (currently only USD is supported).
Validation rules:- Must be 3 characters in length
- value
The amount information for the payment.
Validation rules:- Must NOT be less than zero
- dynamicDescriptor
- Optional
Allows the merchant to define a dynamic descriptor, which appears in the payment statement. For dynamic descriptor, special configuration is required. For more information, please contact Revolv3 Support Team.
Processors that support Dynamic Descriptor: Nuvei, WorldPay. Dynamic Descriptor is not supported by Worldpay in Capture requests. - subMerchantId
The internal merchant’s ID, which is sent to the relevant card scheme.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length is 15 characters.
- subMerchantName
The merchant name, as is displayed for the transaction on the consumer’s card statement. For payment facilitator only, might consist of the following structure: Prefix*-
Prefix – The PayFac prefix, approved by processor.
* – A fixed character.
- – Sub-merchant name.Recommended! An alternative method to define a prefix is by configuring it through the Revolv3 Portal. For more information, please contact Revolv3 Support Team.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 22. Possible prefix length 3 or 5 or 7 or 12 characters.
- subMerchantPhone
The merchant (sub-merchant for payment facilitators) contact information, as is displayed for the transaction on the consumer’s card statement. It can also be an email address.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 13. It can also be an email address.
- countryCode
The payment facilitator’s sub-merchant’s 2-letter ISO country code.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: no validation rules.
- city
The payment facilitator’s sub-merchant’s city name.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: maximum length of 20 characters.