Retrieve a complete checkout information (specified with Checkout ID) with a status code of 200 (OK).
If the checkout ID cannot be associated with a checkout, a status code of 404 will be returned.
Description of response parameters
- checkoutId
The unique identifier of the checkout (The string will be in GUID format).
- checkoutStatus
The current status of the checkout. Possible values:
- Pending (the checkout has been created, the payment has not yet been made),
- PaymentCompleted (A payment attempt was made. The payment result is - Paid),
- PaymentFailed (A payment attempt was made. The payment result is unsuccessful).- returnUrl
- Can be null
The url that was specified when creating the checkout for the button on the last screen with payment results, leading to your website.
- completionDate
The checkout completion date.
- customer
- Can be null
The customer data.
- customerId
The unique identifier of the customer.
- firstName
The customers’s first name.
- lastName
The customers’s last name.
The customers’s email.
- invoice
- Can be null
The invoice related information.
- invoiceId
The unique identifier of the invoice.
- invoiceStatus
The status of the invoice. Possible values: Paid, Void, Pending, Recycle, Noncollectable, Failed, Refund, MerchantPaid, MerchantCancelled, OneTimePaymentPending, PartialRefund, BatchPending, CapturePending, RefundPending, RefundDeclined, RefundFailed.
- total
The total invoice amount.
- billingDate
The date on which the billing was attempted for the invoice.
- paymentMethod
The payment method information for the payment.
- paymentMethodId
The unique identifier of the payment method.
- billingAddress
The address associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
- addressId
The unique identifier of the billing address.
- addressLine1
- addressLine2
- Can be null
Supplemental information for the address.
- city
- state
Two-letter state abbreviation.
- postalCode
Postal code.
- phoneNumber
- Can be null
The phone number associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
- Can be null
The email associated with a billing address.
- country
The 2-letter country code.
- billingFirstName
The customers’s first name associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
- billingLastName
The customers’s last name associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
- type
The payment method type. Possible values: CreditCard and Ach.
- achDetails
- Can be null
The details of ACH payment method.
- accountNumberLast4Digits
The last 4 digits of account number.
- accountType
The account type. Possible values: Checking, Saving.
- creditCardDetails
- Can be null
The details of credit card payment method.
- last4Digit
The last 4 digits of payment account number (PAN).
- expirationDate
The card expiration date.
- invoiceAttempts
- Can be null
- invoiceAttemptId
The unique identifier of the invoice attempt.
- amount
The total invoice amount.
- invoiceAttemptStatus
The status of the invoice attempt. Possible values: Success, Fail, Pending.
- invoiceAttemptDate
The date and time of attempt.
- paymentProcessor
The name of the processor by which the transaction was processed.
- processorTransactionId
The unique identifier of the transaction.
- responseCode
The processor response code.
- responseMessage
The processor response message.
- checkoutLineItems
The checkout line items.
- name
The name of the line item.
- value
The value of line item.
- description
- Can be null
The item description.
- valueType
A qualifier for how the value should be interpreted. Possible values: Standard, Discount, DiscountPercentage, FinalDiscount, PriceOverride.