Authorize an existing payment method by its id with a specified amount.
Description of request parameters
- networkProcessing
Network processing information. Follow the link or contact Revolv3 support for more information.
No validation rules - processingType
Processing type is used to define the initial or subsequent transaction in a recurring or installment stream.
Validation rules:
If no value is supplied, a transaction is considered a one-time payment and will not be linked to the initial one.- Possible values: initialInstallment, initialRecurring, installment, recurring.
- originalNetworkTransactionId
Element defines the networkTransactionId returned in the response messages for Visa, Mastercard, and Discover Auth/Sale transactions. You must include this element and the original value returned for subsequent (after the initial) Visa, Mastercard or Discover recurring/installment payments.
No validation rules - amount
The amount information for the payment.
No validation rules - currency
Optional. Default - USD
The three-character ISO currency code (currently only USD is supported).
Validation rules:- Must be 3 characters in length.
- value
The amount information for the payment.
Validation rules:- Must NOT be less than zero.
- dynamicDescriptor
Allows the merchant to define a dynamic descriptor, which appears in the payment statement. For dynamic descriptor, special configuration is required. For more information, please contact Revolv3 Support Team.
Processors that support Dynamic Descriptor: Nuvei, WorldPay. - subMerchantId
The internal merchant’s ID, which is sent to the relevant card scheme.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length is 15 characters.
- WorldPay processor: field is not supported.
- subMerchantName
The merchant name, as is displayed for the transaction on the consumer’s card statement. For payment facilitator only, might consist of the following structure: Prefix*-
Prefix – The PayFac prefix, approved by processor.
* – A fixed character.
- – Sub-merchant name.Recommended! An alternative method to define a prefix is by configuring it through the Revolv3 Portal. For more information, please contact Revolv3 Support Team.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 22. Possible prefix length 3 or 5 or 7 or 12 characters.
- WorldPay processor: if the value is specified, it must be between 4 and 25 characters. Possible prefix length 3 or 7 or 12 characters. Field accepts numbers, letters and special characters as follows: ampersand, asterisk (zero or one), comma, dash, period, space, or pound sign.
- subMerchantPhone
The merchant (sub-merchant for payment facilitators) contact information, as is displayed for the transaction on the consumer’s card statement.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 13. It can also be an email address.
- WorldPay processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 13. Field accepts only numbers.
- countryCode
The payment facilitator’s sub-merchant’s 2-letter ISO country code.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: no validation rules.
- WorldPay processor: field is not supported.
- city
The payment facilitator’s sub-merchant’s city name.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: maximum length of 20 characters.
- WorldPay processor: field is not supported.