Obsolete. It is recommended to use methods from api/payments.
A one-time payment without a subscription allows you to both authorize and capture funds in a single transaction, as well as capture previously authorized amounts. You can also send a partial capture if needed. The required arguments for this endpoint are customer ID or customer information, payment method details or authorized payment method ID or payment method ID (previously created and tokenized payment method), and an invoice with invoice line items.
Description of request parameters
- paymentMethod
Conditional. A payment method is required if neither the payment method ID nor the payment method
authorization ID is supplied.
The payment method information for the payment. Supported payment methods: Credit card, ACH*, Google Pay*.
No validation rules
*Supported for specific processors.
Only one payment method type should be provided with a one-time payment without subscription transaction. - billingAddress
The address associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes. Either an Address ID or detailed address information can be provided.
No validation rules - addressId
The unique identifier of the address.
No validation rules - addressLine1
Validation rules:- The length should be between 2 and 40 characters.
- addressLine2
Supplemental information for the address.
Validation rules:- Maximum length 40 characters.
- city
BillingAddress: City.
Validation rules:
DynamicDescriptor: The payment facilitator’s sub-merchant’s city name.- BillingAddress: The length should be no more than 25 characters
- DynamicDescriptor validation rules:
- Nuvei processor: maximum length of 20 characters.
- WorldPay processor: field is not supported.
- state
Two-letter state abbreviation
Validation rules:- Must be 2 characters in length
- postalCode
Postal code
Validation rules:- The length should be between 2 and 20 characters
- phoneNumber
The phone number associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
Validation rules:- The length must not exceed 18 characters if a Nuvei processor is used.
The email associated with a billing address.
No validation rules - country
Validation rules:- The input must be a valid Alpha2 code, Alpha3 code, UN code, or full country name
- billingFirstName
The customers’s first name associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
No validation rules - billingLastName
The customers’s last name associated with a payment method that is used for billing purposes.
No validation rules - creditCard
Conditional. One payment method type is required if neither the payment method ID nor the payment method
authorization ID is supplied.
Payment card information.
Validation rules:- Only one payment method type can be supplied
- paymentAccountNumber
Conditional. The PAN is required if the credit card payment method type is supplied in the request.
Validation rules:- The number must be a valid credit card number and will be verified using the Luhn algorithm.
- expirationDate
Conditional. The expiration date is required if the credit card payment method type is supplied in the
The card expiration date.
Validation rules:- Must be in one of the following formats: MMYY, MMYYYY, MM/YYY and MM/YYYYY
- securityCode
The card verification code. It is considered best practice to always include this value for card-not-present transactions. Failure to do so may lead to higher rates of declines, an increase in chargeback cases, and/or transaction downgrades.
Validation rules:- The length should be between 3 and 4 characters
- ach
Conditional. One payment method type is required if neither the payment method ID nor the payment method
authorization ID is supplied.
ACH account information.
Validation rules:- Only one payment method type can be supplied
- routingNumber
Conditional. The routing number is required if the ACH payment method type is supplied in the
The 9-digit ACH routing number of the account.
Validation rules:- Must be 9 characters in length
- accountNumber
Conditional. The account number is required if the ACH payment method type is supplied in the
The US bank account number from which the payment will be debited.
Validation rules:- The length should be between 4 and 17 characters
- accountType
Conditional. The account type is required if the ACH payment method type is supplied in the
Bank account type.
Validation rules:- Possible values: Checking or Savings
- googlePay
Conditional. One payment method type is required if neither the payment method ID nor the payment method
authorization ID is supplied.
GooglePay information.
Validation rules:- Only one payment method type can be supplied
- googlePayPaymentDataResponse
Conditional. The GooglePayPaymentDataResponse is required if the GooglePay payment method type is supplied in
the request.
The data returned by Google Pay.
Validation rules:- Must contain the valid serialized JSON object
- merchantPaymentMethodRefId
Merchant's unique identifier for the payment method.
No validation rules - paymentMethodAuthorizationId
Conditional. A payment method authorization ID is required if neither the payment method ID nor the payment
method details is supplied.
Unique identifier for a previously pre-authorized payment method.
No validation rules - paymentMethodId
Conditional. A payment method ID is required if neither the payment method authorization ID nor the payment
method details is supplied.
Unique identifier for the customer's payment information.
No validation rules - customerId
Conditional. The customer ID is required if the customer's first name and last name are not
Unique identifier for the customer.
Validation rules:- Either the CustomerId or the customer's first and last name need to be provided
- firstName
Conditional. The first name is required if the customer ID is not provided.
Customer's first name.
Validation rules:- Either the CustomerId or the customer's first and last name need to be provided
- lastName
Conditional. The last name is required if the customer ID is not provided.
Customer's last name.
Validation rules:- Either the CustomerId or the customer's first and last name need to be provided
- merchantCustomerRefId
Merchant's identifier for the customer.
No validation rules - invoice
Invoice with line items.
- merchantInvoiceRefId
Merchant's unique identifier for the invoice.
No validation rules - invoiceLineItems
A list of one or more items the customer should be billed for.
Validation rules:- Invoice must contain at least one Invoice Line Item with standard or price override type.
- The total invoice amount, considering the types of invoice line items, must not be less than zero.
- name
Name of the invoice line item.
No validation rules - description
Description of the invoice line item.
No validation rules - value
The amount information for the payment (USD).
Validation rules:- Must be greater than or equal to 0
- In case the valueType is DiscountPercentage, the length must be between 0 and 100 characters
- valueType
A qualifier specifying how the value should be interpreted.
Validation rules:- Possible values: Standard, Discount, DiscountPercentage, FinalDiscount, PriceOverride
- dynamicDescriptor
Allows the merchant to define a dynamic descriptor, which appears in the payment statement. For dynamic descriptor, special configuration is required. For more information, please contact Revolv3 Support Team.
Processors that support Dynamic Descriptor: Nuvei, WorldPay. - subMerchantId
The internal merchant’s ID, which is sent to the relevant card scheme.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length is 15 characters.
- WorldPay processor: field is not supported.
- subMerchantName
The merchant name, as is displayed for the transaction on the consumer’s card statement. For payment facilitator only, might consist of the following structure: Prefix*-
Prefix – The PayFac prefix, approved by processor.
* – A fixed character.
- – Sub-merchant name.Recommended! An alternative method to define a prefix is by configuring it through the Revolv3 Portal. For more information, please contact Revolv3 Support Team.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 22. Possible prefix length 3 or 5 or 7 or 12 characters.
- WorldPay processor: if the value is specified, it must be between 4 and 25 characters. Possible prefix length 3 or 7 or 12 characters. Field accepts numbers, letters and special characters as follows: ampersand, asterisk (zero or one), comma, dash, period, space, or pound sign.
- subMerchantPhone
The merchant (sub-merchant for payment facilitators) contact information, as is displayed for the transaction on the consumer’s card statement.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 13. It can also be an email address.
- WorldPay processor: the maximum length of the parameter is 13. Field accepts only numbers.
- countryCode
The payment facilitator’s sub-merchant’s 2-letter ISO country code.
Validation rules:- Nuvei processor: no validation rules.
- WorldPay processor: field is not supported.